Tuesday, November 19, 2013


    My sister Goomba (with whom I am mentally linked) is the person I love most in this world and there are a few things you should know about her:
1.She has  green coat she is never without because she keeps everything in it. Everything.
2. She is a nerd. Not a full blown socially retarded, has-no-life-outside-of-electronics kind of nerd but she has made a videogame, and occasionally talks to computers and I think that should count for something.
3. She can do pretty much anything she puts her mind to and do it extremely well, so much so that she will accidentally make you feel completely inferior. Like:




and Hover Cloudin'

    Unfortunately my sister has been struck with a debilitating eye condition and is applying for disability for it because it makes living in this world extremely hard as pretty much everything causes her pain. Such as:

    And since--as people keep reminding us--things could always be worse, a few months ago she was infected with gastritis and has been locked in a miserable battle with it ever since.

    You probably don't know anything about gastritis and you are not alone but for the sake of keeping my addled brain on track I will just tell you this: it's painful as hell and makes your life unbearably difficult. Our lives already being unbearably difficult the gastritis got so bad that it recently landed her in the hospital with a tube stuck up her nose. 

    If you have been a patient in a hospital--much less one with a tube violating your nasal cavities--then you probably have some idea of just how much not-fun it is and if not then I would recommend doing everything in your power to keep it that way. I have been going there as much as I can to keep her company which has worn me down a bit. 

Fortunately she is doing better and, after two weeks, will be discharged today, re-entering the world...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013